Emacs Bookmarks

Table of Contents


1 Resources

1.1 Motivation

"This guide is about using Emacs as a professional’s tool. I will not show off Emacs as a geek’s toy because I am far from geek stereotype. I will focus on philosophy and methodology only. No technical details involved."

1.3 Cheat Sheets

1.6 Emacs Starter Kits


From the documentation:

Spacemacs is a new way to experience Emacs – a sophisticated and polished set-up focused on ergonomics, mnemonics and consistency. It can be used naturally by both Emacs and Vim users – you can even mix the two editing styles. Switching easily between input styles makes Spacemacs a great tool for pair-programming.

Link Github

Emacs Leuven

Emacs configuration file with many packages already enabled and a more pleasant set of defaults.

Link Github

An Emacs Starter Kit for the Social Sciences


1.10 Videos and Screencasts

Useful screencasts to help learn Emacs faster.

Basic Emacs

In this episode, we look at four loading mechanisms for elisp: load, require, autoload and idle-require. User requested.

We explore the 'customize' system for customizing Emacs' behavior. The first of three parts covering the essential ways of changing Emacs' behavior at startup.


  • Buffer basics - Emacs Bites

    The basics of working with buffers in Emacs Lisp. Buffers are a central concept in Emacs of course and one of the main reasons it's useul. They are a versatile tool, you can use them for text to be edited but you can also use them for presenting user interfaces, like Emacs' mail modes do.

  • An Introduction to Emacs Lisp

    Emacs can be thought of as a big Lisp interpreter, so you can't master Emacs without learning some Emacs Lisp. We'll be introducing Emacs Lisp by describing its simple syntax, demonstrating a few Lisp functions for manipulating buffers, regions, and strings, writing a few utility functions, and binding those functions to custom keys. By the end of the talk, you should able to do the same.

  • Emacs Bites - the Crash Course

    Very basic intro to programming Emacs covering basic setq, let and defun for global variables, local variables and functions.

A small screencast to llustrate lexical and dynamic scope in Emacs with a very simple example.

  • Hack Emacs - Working in the REPL In this episode I discuss how programming in Emacs is different than an IDE, and show a couple of short examples of how you can program in a REPL in Emacs Lisp and Scheme. I didn't cover quite as much as I hoped, so I might do a more technical in-depth episode on REPL usage.


A more in depth look at shell tricks we can use to start a scratch Emacs for testing packages and deployment and anything else you need a clean Emacs for.


Edebug, instrumenting and stepping and breakpoints. Also macroexpand and how it helps with debugging.

IDO Mode:

Development Environment

(It also shows how to setup Emacs on Windows)

This Screencast shows basic features of the Magit like this git commands.


  • How I Use org-capture and Stuff Org-capture is a great way to take notes and plan in Emacs. Capture templates provide a flexible way to extend org-capture and personalize the way you record various bits of information.

Non Categorized

Ray Puzio shows us his implementation of turtle graphics in emacs and takes us under the shell to see how it works. Turtle graphics are a way of drawing pictures in which one provides a series of directions such as "move forward" or "turn left" to steer the pen. (The name comes from the fact that the original implementation involved a robotic turtle as an output device controlled by the computer.) In addition to providing a useful and entertaining program, this talk also discusses techniques of pbm graphics and the use of a buffer for drawing which are of general use when doing graphics in emacs.

  • Writing A Spotify Client in 16 Minutes You can write a Spotify client in no time at all, using Emacs. With a bit of research and the marvellous Helm front end, it's actually surprisingly easy to assemble. (Much faster than editing a screencast about it!)

Created: 2018-07-26 Thu 07:42

Emacs 25.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
