CPP / C++ - Package Managers

Table of Contents

1 Package Managers

1.1 Overview

Package Managers

There are several solutions for managing dependencies in C++ projects, however they are still no widely used or integrated to IDEs and building systems. A reasonable set of features for selecting a package manager is CMake support, CMake integration, IDE integration, command line interface and distributed repositories. Some of them are:

Considerations for package manager choice

  • The most mature package managers with CMake integration are Conan and Vcpkg. Vcpkg has the largest number of packages available. However, it is not possible to install multiple versions of the same package or host a local package repository.
  • Conan is more documented and provides more control over package versions. It has descentralized repositories and also allows users to host local or intranet private repositories. A minor problem of Conan is the Python installation requirement, but this issue could be quickly solved by turning Conan into a single native executable file by packing Conan Python module with the Python interpreter with tools like Py2Exe for Windows.

Comparative table:

Feature Conan Vcpkg
Standalone NO YES
Decentralized repositories YES NO
Local Repository YES NO
Multiple versions of same package YES NO
Integration with IDEs NO NO
Most Simple - Winner
More packages - Winner
User control Winner -
Overall Winner -

Some reasonable set of features for a package managers

  • CMake integration
  • Default repository, descentralized and local repositories.
  • Cross platform
  • Easier to use from CMake without needing to call any external command, the packages to be installed should be defined in the CMakeLists.txt file.
  • Command line tools
  • Browse package metadata from command line or IDE like .net's Nuget or Python's pip.
  • Integration with IDEs
  • Standalone no depending on any interpreter or external dependency or fully packed with the interpreter making easier to install and deploy.

Low tech approaches for package or dependency management

  • GIT Submodules
  • Use system-specific package manager for instance: Ubuntu: apt-get; Fedora Linux: dnf; BSD Ports: …
    • Disadvantage: Hard to reproduce compilation across different machines as most Linux distributions only provide a single version and may not have all necessary libraries and header-only libraries.
  • Add libraries manually
  • Install packages manually in the systems:
    • ./configure && make && make install
  • Copy header-only libraries to project-directory

Interesting discussions:

1.2 Conan package Manager

1.2.2 Benefits and Capabilities


  • Reduce compile-time
  • Reduce library installation effort duplication
  • Increase library discoverability
  • Easier cross-compilation for different architectures
  • Host package recipes in local network or remotely


  • Cache and reuse compilation binaries (aka object-code) such as intermediate object-code (*.o or *.obj), static libraries and shared libraries which reduces compile-time and effort duplication for installing a libraries since all projects using the same conan recipe can reuse the binaries.
  • Package with embedded sources: Sources can be embedded in a package.
  • Package with remote sources: Conan packages (aka recipes) can fetch source code from remote sources such as Github, Gitlab, Sourceforge, FTP or even a Conan Server in local network.
  • Conan Recipes can build package's sources with a wide variety of tools such as:
    • GNU autotools
    • CMake
    • GNU Makefile
    • BSD Makefile

1.2.5 Install Conan

Standalone Installers

Conan Standalone Installers for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX which does not require previous Python installation.

Installation via PIP

Installing Conan requires a Python installation with pip.

$ pip instal conan 

The easiest way to get Python for any platform, including Windows is through Miniconda distribution which is a lightweight version of Python Anaconda distribution:

Conan Addons for IDEs

Conan Extension (Addon) for Visual Studio

Conan Plugin for JetBrains' CLION IDE:

1.2.6 Conan Package Repositories

Search Conan Packages at Conan Center repository:

Repository Lists:

Some Conan Repositories:

1.2.7 Libraries in Conan Center

Libraries in Conan Main Repositories

All libraries in Conan Community:

All libraries in Conan Bincrafters:

Selected Conan Libraries

Conan Recipe Description
Boost Boost Libraries
Poco libraries Poco framework libraries for network, compression, process and database.
Google's abseil Google's abseil library - https://abseil.io/
fmt Fast and type-safe and extensible printf library.
ranges-v3 Ranges library derived from Boost that will be added to C++20 stdandard library.
CLI11 Lightweight header-only command line parser.
Cereal Header-only serialization library
parallel stl C++ standard library algorithms with support for execution policies
Intel TBB Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB) for writing parallel C++ programs.
PugiXML XML Parser library
IrrXML Simple and fast open source xml parser for C++
Unit Testing  
Google Test Google unit testing library, aka GTest
Catch2 Single header unit test framework.
Doctest Header-only unit testing library with fast compile-time.
Data Compression  
Zlib Zlib compression library
bzip2 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free (see below), high-quality data compressor.
Scientific / Math  
Conan Lapack Lapack linear algebra library
Open BLAS OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.
eigen Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
Computer Graphics  
libpng Portable Network Graphics An Open, Extensible Image Format with Lossless Compression
freetype Render text onto bitmaps, and provides support for other font-related operations.
imgui Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
glm A C++ mathematics library for graphics programming
sdl2 Simple Direct Media Layer
glfw GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan development on the desktop.
  It provides a simple API for creating windows, contexts and surfaces, receiving input and events.
Computer Vision and  
AI - Artificial Inteligence  
OpenCV Most well-known Library for computer vision and image processing.
tiny-dnn tiny-dnn is a C++14 implementation of deep learning on systems with limited computational resource.
Encryption and TSL/SSL  
OpenSSL Most well-known library TLS/SSL - Transport Layer Security
cryptopp Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
botan Botan is a cryptography library written in C++11
ncurses API to write text-based user interfaces, TUIs in a terminal.
LibCurl curl library that provides clients for many network protocols: http, https, ftp, sftp, …
Pybind 11 Library for creating Python native modules / libraries in C++.
pistache C++ REST framework written by Mathieu Stefani at Datacratic. It is written in pure C++11.
stb - single-file public domain stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
wiringpi GPIO Interface library for the Raspberry Pi

1.2.8 Command Summary

  1. Search Conan Packages

    Search for Poco libraries in Conan Center repository:

    $ conan search Poco* -r=conan-center
    Existing package recipes:

    Search for Google Test in Conan Center repository:

    $ conan search gtest/* -r=conan-center
    Existing package recipes:

    Search for libcurl package on BinCrafters repository:

    λ conan search libcurl/* -r=bincrafters
    Existing package recipes:

    Search for pybind11 on all conan repositories:

    $ conan search pybind* -r=all
    Existing package recipes:
    Remote 'conan-center':
    Remote 'conan-transit':
  2. List libraries in local cache / local repository

    This command lists packages in local cache or local repository.

    $ conan search
    Existing package recipes:

    List Conan storage directory ~/.conan on Unix-like (Linux, BSD, OSX …)

    $ tree -L 2  ~/.conan/
    ├── artifacts.properties
    ├── cacert.pem
    ├── conan.conf
    ├── conan.conf.back
    ├── data
    │   ├── gtest
    │   ├── OpenSSL
    │   ├── Poco
    │   └── zlib
    ├── hooks
    │   └── attribute_checker.py
    ├── profiles
    │   └── default
    ├── registry.json
    ├── registry.json.lock
    ├── settings.yml
    └── version.txt
    7 directories, 10 files

    List directory ~/.conan/data

    $ tree -L 3  ~/.conan/data
    ├── gtest
    │   └── 1.8.1
    │       └── bincrafters
    ├── OpenSSL
    │   └── 1.0.2o
    │       └── conan
    ├── Poco
    │   └── 1.9.0
    │       └── pocoproject
    └── zlib
        └── 1.2.11
            └── conan
    12 directories, 0 files
  3. List Remote Repositories:
    $ conan remote list
    conan-center: https://conan.bintray.com [Verify SSL: True]
    conan-transit: https://conan-transit.bintray.com [Verify SSL: True]
  4. Add more remote repositories

    Add Repositories:

    • Add Conan Center (Repository installed by default)
    $ conan remote add conan-center https://conan.bintray.com
    • Add Conan Community:
    $ conan remote add conan-community https://api.bintray.com/conan/conan-community/conan
    • Add bincrafters
    $ conan remote add bincrafters https://api.bintray.com/conan/bincrafters/public-conan
  5. Install library in local cache

    Example install package libcurl version 7.61.1 from repository BinCrafters:

    • Installation on Windows 64 bits for 64 bits target. The build type is Release, however the installation lacks the debug building.
    • Linux, OS or Nix users don't need to be concerned about Debug/Release build type.
    λ conan install libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable
    compiler=Visual Studio
    libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
    libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'conan-center'...
    Downloading conanmanifest.txt
    [==================================================] 234B/234B
    Downloading conanfile.py
    [==================================================] 19.4KB/19.4KB
    Downloading conan_export.tgz
    [==================================================] 764B/764B
    Decompressing conan_export.tgz: 100%|██████████| 764/764 [00:00<00:00, 46.3kB/s]
    OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
    OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable: Trying with 'conan-center'...
    Downloading conanmanifest.txt
    [==================================================] 58B/58B
    Downloading conanfile.py
    [==================================================] 20.1KB/20.1KB
    libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable: Installing package
        OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable from 'conan-center' - Downloaded
        libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable from 'conan-center' - Downloaded
        zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable:606fdb601e335c2001bdf31d478826b644747077 - Download
        libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable:ae6191bc1194317ff7cdbc84d4d302ab49975618 - Download
        zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable:6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7 - Cache
    zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable: Already installed!
    OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable: Retrieving package 606fdb601e335c2001bdf31d478826b644747077 from remote 'conan-center'
    Downloading conanmanifest.txt
    [==================================================] 4.6KB/4.6KB
    Downloading conaninfo.txt
    [==================================================] 1.2KB/1.2KB
    Downloading conan_package.tgz
    [==================================================] 5.6MB/5.6MB
    Decompressing conan_package.tgz: 100%|██████████| 5.32M/5.32M [00:00<00:00, 24.0MB/s]
    OpenSSL/1.0.2n@conan/stable: Package installed 606fdb601e335c2001bdf31d478826b644747077
    libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable: Retrieving package ae6191bc1194317ff7cdbc84d4d302ab49975618 from remote 'conan-center'
    Downloading conanmanifest.txt
    [==================================================] 1.0KB/1.0KB
    Downloading conaninfo.txt
    [==================================================] 1.8KB/1.8KB
    Downloading conan_package.tgz
    [==================================================] 704.7KB/704.7KB
    Decompressing conan_package.tgz: 100%|██████████| 688k/688k [00:00<00:00, 14.9MB/s]
    libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable: Package installed ae6191bc1194317ff7cdbc84d4d302ab49975618

    Install debug build of libcurl package:

    λ conan install libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable -s build_type=Debug
    compiler=Visual Studio
     ...  ...  ...  ...  ... 
    Decompressing conan_package.tgz: 100%|██████████| 967k/967k [00:00<00:00, 15.0MB/s]
    libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable: Package installed 8f5289d9807917ac37fa3752916c824d2a8061ad

    Install debug and release build of a library compiling it from source:

    λ conan install libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable -s build_type=None 

    Install release builds of libcurl for x86 target (32 bits):

    λ conan install libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable -s build_type=Release -s arch=x86
    compiler=Visual Studio

    List installed library in local cache:

    λ conan search
    Existing package recipes:
  6. Show pacakge information
    λ conan info libcurl/7.61.1@bincrafters/stable
        ID: 606fdb601e335c2001bdf31d478826b644747077
        BuildID: None
        Remote: conan-center=https://conan.bintray.com
        URL: http://github.com/lasote/conan-openssl
        License: The current OpenSSL licence is an 'Apache style' license: https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
        Recipe: Cache
        Binary: Cache
        Binary remote: conan-center
        Creation date: 2018-05-10 07:47:33
        Required by:
        ID: ae6191bc1194317ff7cdbc84d4d302ab49975618
        BuildID: None
        Remote: conan-center=https://conan.bintray.com
        URL: http://github.com/bincrafters/conan-libcurl
        Homepage: http://curl.haxx.se
        License: MIT
        Author: Bincrafters <bincrafters@gmail.com>
        Recipe: Cache
        Binary: Cache
        Binary remote: conan-center
        Creation date: 2018-11-16 03:42:43
        Required by:
        ID: 6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7
        BuildID: None
        Remote: conan-center=https://conan.bintray.com
        URL: http://github.com/conan-community/conan-zlib
        Homepage: https://zlib.net
        License: Zlib
        Author: Conan Community
        Recipe: Cache
        Binary: Cache
        Binary remote: conan-center
        Creation date: 2018-12-21 02:01:48
        Required by:

1.2.9 Example CMake/Conan project

  1. Project Files

    Gist: https://gist.github.com/caiorss/5067e2981488aff1b5765b02adbfdffc

    File: conanfile.txt

    • Conan project file.
    • Poco:shared=False => Static link the library.

    File: CMakeLists.txt

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)
    #========== Global Configurations =============#
    project(ConanTesting CXX)
    set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17)     
    # ===>> Conan bootstrap  ===============
    # Automatically install conan packages if they are not installed.
    # Assumptions:
    #  + The file conanfile.txt is in this directory
    #  + This CMakeLists.txt file is in the project ROOT directory.
    #  + The conan application is the project $PATH environment variable
    #    and accessible from command line.
    if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake")
        COMMAND           conan install . --install-folder "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"
    #========== Targets Configurations ============#
    message(" [INFO] =>> CONAN_LIBS = ${CONAN_LIBS} " )
    # ==> Target for testing POCO Libraries 
    add_executable(poco demo-poco.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(poco PRIVATE ${CONAN_LIBS})
    # ==> Target for testing GogleTest 
    add_executable(agtest demo-gtest.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(agtest PRIVATE ${CONAN_LIBS})
    # Add target to run executable 
      COMMAND poco 
      DEPENDS poco 
      COMMAND agtest 
      DEPENDS agtest 
    install(TARGETS poco agtest  DESTINATION ./bin)

    File: demo-gtest.cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <Poco/Process.h>
    #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    auto FunctionObject = [](int n){ return 5 * n + 4; };
    TEST(testA, FunctionObject)
        EXPECT_EQ(19, FunctionObject(3));
    TEST(testC, FunctionObject)
        EXPECT_EQ(123, FunctionObject(5));
    TEST(testB, FunctionObject)
        EXPECT_EQ(24, FunctionObject(4));

    File: demo-poco.cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <Poco/Process.h>
    int main()
        std::cout << "Running POCO Libraries Launch." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Poco Libraries are AWESOME!" << std::endl;
        #if !defined(_WIN32)
          std::cerr << " [INFO] I am running on some Unix-like Operating System." << std::endl;
          Poco::Process::launch("cat", {"/etc/protocols"});
          std::cerr << " [INFO] I am running on Windows." << std::endl;
          Poco::Process::launch("notepad.exe", {});
       return 0;
  2. Building on Windows

    Install Conan packages in the current project at directory ./build/ - the packages are download from the default remote repository and stored at the Conan cache. Once they were downloaded, further usages of those packages will use them from the cache.

    $  conan install . --install-folder build 
    compiler=Visual Studio
    gtest/1.8.1@bincrafters/stable: WARN: Package is corrupted, removing folder: C:\Users\archbox\.conan\data\gtest\1.8.1\bincrafters\stable\package\3f7b6d42d6c995a23d193db1f844ed23ae943226
    PROJECT: Installing C:\Users\archbox\conan-test\conanfile.txt
        OpenSSL/1.0.2o@conan/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        Poco/1.9.0@pocoproject/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        gtest/1.8.1@bincrafters/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        OpenSSL/1.0.2o@conan/stable:606fdb601e335c2001bdf31d478826b644747077 - Download
        Poco/1.9.0@pocoproject/stable:09378ed7f51185386e9f04b212b79fe2d12d005c - Download
        gtest/1.8.1@bincrafters/stable:3f7b6d42d6c995a23d193db1f844ed23ae943226 - Download
        zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable:6cc50b139b9c3d27b3e9042d5f5372d327b3a9f7 - Download
     ... ....    ... ....    ... ....    ... ....    ... ....    ... ....    ... .... 
    Poco/1.9.0@pocoproject/stable: Package installed 09378ed7f51185386e9f04b212b79fe2d12d005c
    PROJECT: Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
    PROJECT: Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
    PROJECT: Generated conaninfo.txt
    PROJECT: Generated graphinfo

    List ./build directory:

    λ ls build\
    conanbuildinfo.cmake  conanbuildinfo.txt  conaninfo.txt  graph_info.json

    Check project packages:

    $ conan info .
        ID: 78e985959974aade35877b722f1e41355f5575f4
        BuildID: None
        ID: 35ea421ef4c1d32898da44c28e3cc900bc6459dc
        BuildID: None
        Remote: conan-center=https://conan.bintray.com
        URL: http://github.com/lasote/conan-openssl
        License: The current OpenSSL licence is an 'Apache style' license: https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
        Recipe: Cache
        Binary: Cache
        Binary remote: conan-center
        Creation date: 2018-08-27 04:12:47
        Required by:
        ID: 67516f54281f3227d74b2b66f92537d98ff1103d
        BuildID: None
        Remote: conan-center=https://conan.bintray.com
        URL: http://github.com/pocoproject/conan-poco
        License: The Boost Software License 1.0
        Recipe: Cache
        Binary: Cache
        Binary remote: conan-center
        Creation date: 2018-08-30 08:28:08
        Required by:
        ID: 1d877a3df840030e6a8abb74c5ffb9088d08b47a
        BuildID: None
        Remote: conan-center=https://conan.bintray.com
        URL: http://github.com/conan-community/conan-zlib
        Homepage: https://zlib.net
        License: Zlib
        Author: Conan Community
        Recipe: Cache
        Binary: Cache
        Binary remote: conan-center
        Creation date: 2018-12-21 07:01:48
        Required by:

    Configure CMake on Windows for 64 bits target:

    λ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.

    Compile with release build and install at ./bin:

    λ cmake --build build --target install --config Release
      ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... 
      "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -DBUILD_TYPE=Release -P cmake_install.cmake
      if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
      endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone
      exit /b %1
      if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
      -- Install configuration: "Release"
      -- Installing: C:/Users/archbox/conan-test/./bin/poco.exe
      -- Installing: C:/Users/archbox/conan-test/./bin/agtest.exe
      Deleting file "x64\Release\INSTALL\INSTALL.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
      Touching "x64\Release\INSTALL\INSTALL.tlog\INSTALL.lastbuildstate".
    Done Building Project "C:\Users\archbox\conan-test\build\install.vcxproj" (default targets).
    Build succeeded.
        0 Warning(s)
        0 Error(s)
    Time Elapsed 00:00:11.72

    List directory ./bin

    λ where ls
    C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ls.exe
    λ ls bin
    agtest.exe*  poco.exe*

    Run application bin/agtest.exe:

    λ bin\agtest.exe
    Running main() from gmock_main.cc
    [==========] Running 3 tests from 3 test cases.
    [----------] Global test environment set-up.
    [----------] 1 test from testA
    [ RUN      ] testA.FunctionObject
    [       OK ] testA.FunctionObject (0 ms)
    [----------] 1 test from testA (0 ms total)
    [----------] 1 test from testC
    [ RUN      ] testC.FunctionObject
    C:\Users\archbox\conan-test\demo-gtest.cpp(14): error: Expected equality of these values:
        Which is: 29
    [  FAILED  ] testC.FunctionObject (0 ms)
    [----------] 1 test from testC (0 ms total)
    [----------] 1 test from testB
    [ RUN      ] testB.FunctionObject
    [       OK ] testB.FunctionObject (0 ms)
    [----------] 1 test from testB (0 ms total)
    [----------] Global test environment tear-down
    [==========] 3 tests from 3 test cases ran. (4 ms total)
    [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
    [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
    [  FAILED  ] testC.FunctionObject

    Note: Due to the following code in CMakeLists.txt, it is not needed to run the command conan-install before cmake to install the packages as this block will automatically run the conan-install command if the packages are not installed in the project ./build directory. It allows to configure CMake in a single step with $ cmake -Bbuild … or open the project in an IDE which supports CMake without running conan directly.

    • Summary: with this piece of code, it is not necessary to run conan, Cmake will run it automatically as a subprocess.
    if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake")
        COMMAND           conan install . --install-folder "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"
  3. Building on Linux

    Clone gist:

    $ git clone https://gist.github.com/caiorss/5067e2981488aff1b5765b02adbfdffc conan-test2
    Cloning into 'conan-test2'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
    remote: Total 8 (delta 1), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done.

    List directory:

    $ ls
    CMakeLists.txt  conanfile.txt  demo-gtest.cpp  demo-poco.cpp

    CMake configuration step:

    • Note: The CMakeLists.txt file is set to automatically run Conan in the build directory.
    • Note: The packages weren't download because they are already cached.
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.
    -- Current conanbuildinfo.cmake directory: /home/archbox/root-scripts/conan-test2/build
    -- Conan: Compiler GCC>=5, checking major version 8
    -- Conan: Checking correct version: 8
    -- Conan: Using cmake global configuration
    -- Conan: Adjusting default RPATHs Conan policies
    -- Conan: Adjusting language standard
     [INFO] =>> CONAN_LIBS = PocoMongoDB;PocoNet;PocoNetSSL;PocoCrypto;PocoData;PocoDataSQLite;PocoZip;PocoUtil;PocoXML;PocoJSON;PocoFoundation;rt;gmock_main;gmock;gtest;pthread;ssl;crypto;dl;z 
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/archbox/root-scripts/conan-test2/build
    $ ls build/
    bin/         CMakeCache.txt        conanbuildinfo.txt  rules.ninja
    CMakeFiles/  cmake_install.cmake   conaninfo.txt
    build.ninja  conanbuildinfo.cmake  graph_info.json

    Run all targets: (build all executables and libraries)

    $ cmake --build build --target
    [4/4] Linking CXX executable bin/agtest


    $ cmake --build build --target install
    [0/1] Install the project...
    -- Install configuration: ""
    -- Installing: /home/archbox/root-scripts/conan-test2/./bin/poco
    -- Set runtime path of "/home/archbox/root-scripts/conan-test2/./bin/poco" to ""
    -- Installing: /home/archbox/root-scripts/conan-test2/./bin/agtest
    -- Set runtime path of "/home/archbox/root-scripts/conan-test2/./bin/agtest" to ""
    $ ls bin/
    agtest*  poco*

    Run the executable bin/agtest.

    $ bin/agtest --gtest_list_tests
    Running main() from gmock_main.cc
    $ bin/agtest 
    Running main() from gmock_main.cc
    [==========] Running 3 tests from 3 test cases.
    [----------] Global test environment set-up.
    [----------] 1 test from testA
    [ RUN      ] testA.FunctionObject
    [       OK ] testA.FunctionObject (0 ms)
    [----------] 1 test from testA (0 ms total)
    ... ... .... 

    Run the executable bin/poco

    $ # /etc/protocols:
    # $Id: protocols,v 1.12 2016/07/08 12:27 ovasik Exp $
    # Internet (IP) protocols
    #	from: @(#)protocols	5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89
    # Updated for NetBSD based on RFC 1340, Assigned Numbers (July 1992).
    # Last IANA update included dated 2011-05-03
    # See also http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers
    ip	0	IP		# internet protocol, pseudo protocol number
    hopopt	0	HOPOPT		# hop-by-hop options for ipv6
    ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... 

1.2.10 Example CMake/Conan project with conan-cmake module

  1. Project Files

    This sample project uses the CMake wrapper cmake-conan for integrating Conan and CMake without the file conanfile.txt or running conan from command line before using CMake.

    CMake Module cmake-conan:

    Project Gist:

    Packages used in this sample project: (Conan reference)

    This project can be downloaded with:

    # Clone repository 
    $ git clone https://gist.github.com/caiorss/7b0732f5de5ebc40981521e63a122d8e gist 
    $ cd gist 
    # Open in QTCreator IDE 
    $ qtcrator CMakeLists.txt 

    File: CMakeLists.txt

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)
    #========== Global Configurations =============#
    project(ConanTesting CXX)
    set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17)     
    # ============= Conan Bootstrap =============================#
    # Download automatically, you can also just copy the conan.cmake file
    if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conan.cmake")
       message(STATUS "Downloading conan.cmake from https://github.com/conan-io/cmake-conan")
       file(DOWNLOAD "https://github.com/conan-io/cmake-conan/raw/v0.13/conan.cmake"
                    # Libraries to be installed locally
                    BUILD missing
    #========== Find Packages =====================#
    find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
    # find_package(Poco  REQUIRED Foundation)
    #========== Targets Configurations ============#
    # ==> Target for testing POCO Libraries 
    add_executable(poco demo-poco.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(poco PRIVATE ${CONAN_LIBS})
    # ==> Target for testing GogleTest 
    add_executable(agtest demo-gtest.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(agtest PRIVATE GTest::GTest GTest::Main)
    add_test(MyGoogleTest agtest)
    install(TARGETS poco agtest  DESTINATION ./bin)

    File: demog-gtest.cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <Poco/Process.h>
    #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    auto FunctionObject = [](int n){ return 5 * n + 4; };
    TEST(testA, FunctionObject)
            EXPECT_EQ(19, FunctionObject(3));
    TEST(testC, FunctionObject)
            EXPECT_EQ(123, FunctionObject(5));
    TEST(testB, FunctionObject)
            EXPECT_EQ(24, FunctionObject(4));

    File: poco-test.cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <Poco/Process.h>
    int main()
        std::cout << "Running POCO Libraries Launch." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Poco Libraries are AWESOME!" << std::endl;
        #if !defined(_WIN32)
          std::cerr << " [INFO] I am running on some Unix-like Operating System." << std::endl;
          Poco::Process::launch("cat", {"/etc/protocols"});
          std::cerr << " [INFO] I am running on Windows." << std::endl;
          Poco::Process::launch("notepad.exe", {});
       return 0;
  2. Building on Linux/Unix

    Clone repository:

    $ git clone https://gist.github.com/caiorss/7b0732f5de5ebc40981521e63a122d8e gist 
    Cloning into 'gist'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
    remote: Total 8 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done.

    Show project files:

    $ ls gist/
    CMakeLists.txt  demo-gtest.cpp  demo-poco.cpp

    CMake - configuration => Generate project files.

    • $ cmake -Hgist -Bcache -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.
      • -Hgist
        • => Set source code location to directory ./gist
      • -Bcache
        • => Set binary output directory to ./cache
      • -GNinja
        • => Use Ninja build instead of Makefile
      • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
        • => Enable debug build which generates debugging symbols and disable optimization.
        • => Set install directory to current directory (PWD)
    $ cmake -Hgist -Bcache -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. 
    -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.3.1
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/c++
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/c++ -- works
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
    -- Detecting CXX compile features
    -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
    -- Downloading conan.cmake from https://github.com/conan-io/cmake-conan
    -- Conan: Automatic detection of conan settings from cmake
    -- Conan: Settings= -s;build_type=Debug;-s;compiler=gcc;-s;compiler.version=8;-s;compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11
    -- Conan executing: conan install . -s build_type=Debug -s compiler=gcc -s compiler.version=8 -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 -g=cmake --build=missing
    -- Configuration:
    conanfile.txt: Installing package
        OpenSSL/1.0.2o@conan/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        Poco/1.9.0@pocoproject/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        gtest/1.8.1@bincrafters/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable from 'conan-center' - Cache
        OpenSSL/1.0.2o@conan/stable:9c111a8074926a7147291383e3d366f41bac77b3 - Cache
        Poco/1.9.0@pocoproject/stable:5d73f6d80f86b797938bd4121e0ee66b325e7063 - Cache
        gtest/1.8.1@bincrafters/stable:884a98ecd973519f5d71b74c29f9e7ddcbd902d4 - Cache
        zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable:761432f3453a17c960259b5b2605153e3bcffd7d - Cache
    gtest/1.8.1@bincrafters/stable: Already installed!
    zlib/1.2.11@conan/stable: Already installed!
    OpenSSL/1.0.2o@conan/stable: Already installed!
    Poco/1.9.0@pocoproject/stable: Already installed!
    conanfile.txt: Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake
    conanfile.txt: Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt
    conanfile.txt: Generated conaninfo.txt
    conanfile.txt: Generated graphinfo
    -- Conan: Loading conanbuildinfo.cmake
    -- Conan: Adjusting output directories
    -- Conan: Using cmake global configuration
    -- Conan: Adjusting default RPATHs Conan policies
    -- Conan: Adjusting language standard
    -- Current conanbuildinfo.cmake directory: /home/archbox/projects/cache
    -- Conan: Compiler GCC>=5, checking major version 8
    -- Conan: Checking correct version: 8
    -- Found GTest: /home/archbox/.conan/data/gtest/1.8.1/bincrafters/stable/package/884a98ecd973519f5d71b74c29f9e7ddcbd902d4/lib/libgtestd.a  
    -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h
    -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - found
    -- Looking for pthread_create
    -- Looking for pthread_create - not found
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
    -- Found Threads: TRUE  
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/archbox/projects/cache

    Show cache directory:

    $ tree -L 2 cache
    ├── bin
    │   ├── agtest
    │   └── poco
    ├── build.ninja
    ├── CMakeCache.txt
    ├── CMakeFiles
    │   ├── 3.14.3
    │   ├── agtest.dir
    │   ├── CheckLibraryExists
    │   ├── cmake.check_cache
    │   ├── CMakeError.log
    │   ├── CMakeOutput.log
    │   ├── CMakeTmp
    │   ├── feature_tests.bin
    │   ├── feature_tests.cxx
    │   ├── poco.dir
    │   └── TargetDirectories.txt
    ├── cmake_install.cmake
    ├── conanbuildinfo.cmake
    ├── conanbuildinfo.txt
    ├── conan.cmake
    ├── conanfile.txt
    ├── conaninfo.txt
    ├── graph_info.json
    └── rules.ninja
    7 directories, 18 files

    Build all targets:

    $ cmake --build cache --target 
    [4/4] Linking CXX executable bin/agtest

    Run executable agtest (GoogleTest)

    $ cache/bin/agtest  

    Run executable poco

    $ cache/bin/poco 


     $ cmake --build cache --target install
     [0/1] Install the project...
     -- Install configuration: "Debug"
     -- Installing: /home/archbox/projects/./bin/poco
     -- Set runtime path of "/home/archbox/projects/./bin/poco" to ""
     -- Installing: /home/archbox/projects/./bin/agtest
     -- Set runtime path of "/home/archbox/projects/./bin/agtest" to ""
    $ ls bin/
    agtest*  poco*
    # Run app ./agtest 
    $ bin/agtest 
    # Run app poco 
    $ bin/poco 

1.2.11 Make conan-cmake module globally available

The cmake-conan cmake module can be installed globally in the system by moving the file conan.cmake to the default location where CMake built-in modules are stored.

Those locations are:

  • For Linux
    • /usr/share/cmake/Modules
  • For Mac OSX
    • Similar path schema to Linux
  • For Windows NT
    • C:\\Program Files (x86)\CMake\Modules

Installation on Linux:

$ mkdir -p /usr/share/cmake/Modules/custom && cd /usr/share/cmake/Modules/custom
$ curl -O https://github.com/conan-io/cmake-conan/raw/v0.13/conan.cmake

Project Usage:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# ============= Conan Boosttrap =========================#

set(CONAN_PROFILE default)
                BUILD missing)

# ============= Find Package ===========================#
add_executable(test-package "main.cpp")
target_link_libraries(test-package hello)

1.3 Vcpkg package manager

1.3.1 Documentation

1.3.2 Windows Vcpkg Intallation

Assumption: Visual studio development tools are already installed.

1 Download and install VCPKG

  • Note: Assumes that vcpkg will be installed at C:\vcpkg
$ cd C:\
$ git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg
$ cd vcpkg/
$ bootstrap-vcpkg.bat

2 Run the command Windows Key + R or execute from the terminal the following command. It opens the environment variables Window.

$ rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables

3 Set the following environment variables.

  • Set PATH to %PATH%;C:\vcpkg
  • Add new variable VCPKG_ROOT and set it to: C:\vcpkg

4 Test installation. Open a new terminal and enter:

# Show where is the vcpkg.exe executable 
C:\Users\archbox> where vcpkg

# Check whether environment variable VCPKG_ROOT is set:
C:\Users\archbox> echo %VCPKG_ROOT%

# List installed package 
C:\Users\archbox>vcpkg list
freeglut:x64-windows                               3.0.0-5          Open source implementation of GLUT with source a...
freeglut:x86-windows                               3.0.0-5          Open source implementation of GLUT with source a...
libjpeg-turbo:x86-windows                          1.5.3-1          libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI...
libpng:x86-windows                                 1.6.35-1         libpng is a library implementing an interface fo...
opengl:x86-windows                                 0.0-5            Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)[3][4][5] is a cro...
pybind11:x64-windows                               2.2.3-1          pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library th...
python3:x64-windows                                3.6.4-2          The Python programming language as an embeddable...
zlib:x86-windows                                   1.2.11-3         A compression library

1.3.3 Linux Vcpkg Installation

1 Create install directory

  • In this instruction: VCPKG will be installed at directory $HOME/opt/vcpkg or /home/<<MY-USER>/opt/vcpkg/
$ mkdir -p ~/opt && cd ~/opt

2 Download and compile VCPKG

$ git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg
$ cd vcpkg/
$ sh bootstrap-vcpkg.sh 

3 Run VCPKG:

$ ./vcpkg
  vcpkg search [pat]              Search for packages available to be built
  vcpkg install <pkg>...          Install a package
  vcpkg remove <pkg>...           Uninstall a package
  vcpkg remove --outdated         Uninstall all out-of-date packages
  vcpkg list                      List installed packages
  vcpkg update                    Display list of packages for updating

  ... ... ... ... ... ....   ... . .. ... . .. ... .. .... 

For more help (including examples) see the accompanying README.md.

4 Add VCPKG to search $PATH variable in order to be able to call it from any directory.

  • Edit: ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile and add the following code and restart the REPL.
# Directory where installed VCPKG
export VCPKG_ROOT=$HOME/opt/vcpkg/

# Make vcpkg tool callable from anywhere 

1.3.4 Show all available packages

  • $ vcpkg search
$ vcpkg search 

3fd                  2.6.2            C++ Framework For Fast Development
abseil               2018-11-08-1     an open-source collection designed to augment the C++ standard library. Abseil...
ace                  6.5.3            The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
aixlog               1.2.1            Header-only C++ logging library 
alac                 2017-11-03-c3... The Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) is a lossless audio codec developed by A...
alac-decoder         0.2              ALAC C implementation of a decoder, written from reverse engineering the file ...
alembic              1.7.10           Alembic is an open framework for storing and sharing scene data that includes ...
allegro5             Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia ...

 ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ... 

aws-sdk-cpp[waf]                      C++ SDK for the AWS waf service
aws-sdk-cpp[waf-regional]             C++ SDK for the AWS waf-regional service
aws-sdk-cpp[workdocs]                 C++ SDK for the AWS workdocs service
aws-sdk-cpp[workmail]                 C++ SDK for the AWS workmail service
aws-sdk-cpp[workspaces]               C++ SDK for the AWS workspaces service
aws-sdk-cpp[xray]                     C++ SDK for the AWS xray service

 ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ... 

boost-polygon        1.68.0           Boost polygon module
boost-pool           1.68.0           Boost pool module
boost-predef         1.68.0           Boost predef module
boost-preprocessor   1.68.0           Boost preprocessor module
boost-process        1.68.0           Boost process module
boost-program-opt... 1.68.0           Boost program_options module
boost-property-map   1.68.0           Boost property_map module
boost-property-tree  1.68.0           Boost property_tree module
boost-proto          1.68.0           Boost proto module
boost-ptr-container  1.68.0           Boost ptr_container module
boost-python         1.68.0-2         Boost python module
boost-qvm            1.68.0           Boost qvm module
boost-random         1.68.0           Boost random module
boost-range          1.68.0           Boost range module

 ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ... 

1.3.5 Removing package

$ vcpkg.exe remove libjpeg-turbo:x86-windows
Your feedback is important to improve Vcpkg! Please take 3 minutes to complete our survey by running: vcpkg contact --survey
The following packages will be removed:
Removing package libjpeg-turbo:x86-windows...
Removing package libjpeg-turbo:x86-windows... done
Purging package libjpeg-turbo:x86-windows...
Purging package libjpeg-turbo:x86-windows... done

1.3.6 Example: Project with spdlog and Boost Ublas

File: CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)

  set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"

#========== Global Configurations =============#

#========== Targets Configurations ============#

# Build an executable (Unix-like OSes generates ./AppDemo1, on
# Windows ./opengDemo1.exe)
# ..........................................
find_package(spdlog CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_executable(AppDemo1 demo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(AppDemo1 PRIVATE spdlog::spdlog)

# Add target to run executable 
  COMMAND AppDemo1 
  DEPENDS AppDemo1 

install(TARGETS AppDemo1 DESTINATION ./bin)
  # Install DLL depedency.
  # The only way to know the required dependencies is to
  # take a look at the build tree directory <<BUILD-TREE>>\Debug
  install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Debug/fmtd.dll
    DESTINATION "bin")

File: demo.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h>

// Headers for vectors 
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>

namespace ub = boost::numeric::ublas;

int main(){
    auto console = spdlog::stdout_logger_mt("stdout-console");
    console->info("Testing logging information to command line");

    console->info("Welcome to spdlog version {}.{}.{} !", SPDLOG_VER_MAJOR, SPDLOG_VER_MINOR, SPDLOG_VER_PATCH);
    console->warn("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
    console->critical("Support for int: {0:d};  hex: {0:x};  oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
    console->info("Support for floats {:03.2f}", 1.23456);
    console->info("Positional args are {1} {0}..", "too", "supported");
    console->info("{:>8} aligned, {:<8} aligned", "right", "left");

    ub::vector<double> vec1(3, 2.2) ; vec1[2] = -5.1;
    ub::vector<double> vec2(3, -1.2); vec2[2] = 1.1;

    std::cout << "Vec1 = " << vec1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "3.0 * Vec1 = " << 3.0 * vec1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Norm1(Vec1) = " << ub::norm_1(vec1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Vec2 - Vec1 = " << vec2 - vec1 << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\n Enter RETURN to exit" << std::endl;
    return 0;

Install Vcpkg libraries Boost Ublas and spdlog:

# Windows installation 
$ vcpkg install spdlog:x64-windows
$ vcpkg install boost-ublas:x64-windows

# Installation on Linux, OSX, or any other Unix-like OS. 
$ vcpkg install spdlog
$ vcpkg install boost-ublas

Visual Studio

  • The project can be compiled, modified, debugged and managed by opening it with Visual Studio as a directory or by invoking Visual Studio form command developer command prompt with the following command.

# Assumes that the current directory is the project top directory
$ devenv .

All CMake Targets can be viewed from the VS Solution Explorer.


Figure 1: Visual Studio Solution Explorer - CMake Targets


Figure 2: Running CMake project from Visual Studio.

Manual Compilation - CMake Configuration Step

CMake Configuration on Windows with Visual Studio building tools as backed:

  • In the project directory run:
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.

CMake Configuration on Linux using Makefiles:

# Configuration using Makefiles 
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.

# Configuration using Ninja building system 
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.

Manual Compilation - CMake Building Step

Building all CMake targets (compilation targets to build executables and libraries):

$ cmake --build build --target 

Run install target on Windows:

$ cmake --build build --target install 

  ... ... ... ... .... 
  Creating directory "x64\Debug\INSTALL\".
  Creating directory "x64\Debug\INSTALL\INSTALL.tlog\".
  Creating "x64\Debug\INSTALL\INSTALL.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -P cmake_install.cmake
  if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
  endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone
  exit /b %1
  if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
  -- Install configuration: "Debug"
  -- Installing: C:/Users/archbox/Desktop/spdlogtest/./bin/AppDemo1.exe
  -- Up-to-date: C:/Users/archbox/Desktop/spdlogtest/bin/fmtd.dll
  Deleting file "x64\Debug\INSTALL\INSTALL.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
  Touching "x64\Debug\INSTALL\INSTALL.tlog\INSTALL.lastbuildstate".
Done Building Project "C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\spdlogtest\build\install.vcxproj" (default targets).
Build succeeded.
 .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ...

Run install target on Linux:

$ cmake --build build --target install
[2/3] Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/archbox/root-scripts/spdlog/./bin/AppDemo1

Check install output on Windows:

$ ls bin
AppDemo1.exe*  fmtd.dll*

Check install output on Linux:

$ ls bin/

Run program:

# Run on Windows

[2019-01-09 16:17:13.360] [stdout-console] [info] Testing logging information to command line
[2019-01-09 16:17:13.361] [stdout-console] [info] Welcome to spdlog version 1.2.0 !
[2019-01-09 16:17:13.361] [stdout-console] [warning] Easy padding in numbers like 00000012
[2019-01-09 16:17:13.361] [stdout-console] [critical] Support for int: 42;  hex: 2a;  oct: 52; bin: 101010
[2019-01-09 16:17:13.361] [stdout-console] [info] Support for floats 1.23
[2019-01-09 16:17:13.362] [stdout-console] [info] Positional args are supported too..
[2019-01-09 16:17:13.362] [stdout-console] [info]    right aligned, left     aligned
Vec1 = [3](2.2,2.2,-5.1)
3.0 * Vec1 = [3](6.6,6.6,-15.3)
Norm1(Vec1) = 9.5
Vec2 - Vec1 = [3](-3.4,-3.4,6.2)

 Enter RETURN to exit

1.3.7 Example: Project with OpenGL + FreeGLUT

GIST: Cmake C++ project with VCPKG package manager and OpengGL/FreeGlut

File: CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)

  set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"

#========== Global Configurations =============#

find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package(GLUT REQUIRED)
find_package(GLU  REQUIRED)

#========== Targets Configurations ============#

# Build an executable (Unix-like OSes generates ./openglDemo1, on
# Windows ./opengDemo1.exe)
# ..........................................
add_executable(openglDemo1 opengl1.cpp)
target_link_libraries(openglDemo1 PRIVATE GLUT::GLUT)

  target_link_libraries(openglDemo1 PRIVATE GL)

# Add extension .bin to executable name to make it easier
# to identify that the binary file is an executable.
# So, it turns  openglDemo1 becomes openglDemo1.bin 
  set_target_properties(openglDemo1 PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".bin")

# Add target to run executable 
    COMMAND openglDemo1 
    DEPENDS openglDemo1 

# It installs (copies) the target files to a path relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
# So, it will copy the built files to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/out
") install(TARGETS openglDemo1 DESTINATION out) install(FILES

File: opengl1.cpp

#include <iostream>
#if defined(_WIN32)
  #include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

void renderFunction();

int main(int argc, char ** argv){

    std::cerr << "[INFO] Starting OpenGL main loop." << std::endl;

    glutInit(&argc, argv);  
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
    glutInitWindowSize(500, 500);
    glutCreateWindow("Window 1");
    // Display Callback Function 
    // Start main loop 
    std::cerr << "[INFO] Exit OpenGL main loop." << std::endl;
    return 0;

void renderFunction(){
        std::cerr << "[INFO] Running loop." << std::endl;
    // Clear the current output buffer

    // Rotate 10 degrees counterclockwise around z axis
    glRotated(10, 0, 0, 1);

    // Set the current color (RGB) drawing to blue
    glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    // Start polygon 
    glVertex3f(-0.5, -0.5, 0);
    glVertex3f( 0.5, -0.5, 0);
    glVertex3f( 0.5,  0.5, 0);
    glVertex3f(-0.5,  0.5, 0);
    // End polygon 


Install FreeGlut library:

Search FreeGlut library:

$ vcpkg search freeglut

freeglut             3.0.0-5          Open source implementation of GLUT with source and binary backwards compatibil...

If your library is not listed, please open an issue at and/or consider making a pull request:

Install FreeGlut Library:

  • $ vcpkg install freeglut:x64-Windows
    • Install library compiled for 64 bits target.
  • $ vcpkg install freeglut:x86-Windows
    • Install library compiled for x86 bits target.
$ vcpkg install freeglut:x64-Windows

The following packages will be built and installed:
Starting package 1/1: freeglut:x64-windows
Building package freeglut[core]:x64-windows...
A suitable version of git was not found (required v2.20.0). Downloading portable git v2.20.0...
Downloading git...
  https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.20.0.windows.1/PortableGit-2.20.0-32-bit.7z.exe -> C:\vcpkg\downloads\PortableGit-2.20.0-32-bit.7z.exe
Extracting git...
A suitable version of 7zip was not found (required v18.1.0). Downloading portable 7zip v18.1.0...
Downloading 7zip...
  https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/7-Zip.CommandLine/18.1.0 -> C:\vcpkg\downloads\7-zip.commandline.18.1.0.nupkg
Extracting 7zip...
A suitable version of nuget was not found (required v4.6.2). Downloading portable nuget v4.6.2...
Downloading nuget...
  https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/v4.6.2/nuget.exe -> C:\vcpkg\downloads\nuget.exe
-- Downloading http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/freeglut/freeglut/3.0.0/freeglut-3.0.0.tar.gz...
-- Extracting source C:/vcpkg/downloads/freeglut-3.0.0.tar.gz
-- Configuring x64-windows
-- Building x64-windows-dbg
-- Building x64-windows-rel
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package freeglut[core]:x64-windows... done
Installing package freeglut[core]:x64-windows...
Installing package freeglut[core]:x64-windows... done
Elapsed time for package freeglut:x64-windows: 2.215 min

Total elapsed time: 2.215 min

The package freeglut is compatible with built-in CMake targets:

    find_package(GLUT REQUIRED)
    target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE GLUT::GLUT)

Clone the GIST for avoiding crating the sources manually:

$ git clone https://gist.github.com/caiorss/4e36d7423cfd456f39c26ba476873a3c opengl-cmake-demo
Cloning into 'opengl-cmake-demo'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0

$ cd opengl-cmake-demo\

$ dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 

 Directory of C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo

01/08/2019  05:57 PM    <DIR>          .
01/08/2019  05:57 PM    <DIR>          ..
01/08/2019  05:57 PM             1,630 CMakeLists.txt
01/08/2019  05:57 PM             1,188 opengl1.cpp
               2 File(s)          2,818 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   1,157,586,944 bytes free

Perform CMake configuration step generating building scripts:

$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.
 [INFO] VCPKG CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE = C:\vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
-- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.16.27025.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.16.27025.1
 ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ...  ... ... 
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found OpenGL: opengl32
-- Found GLUT: C:/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/debug/lib/freeglut.lib
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'GLU' package, please use 'OpenGL' instead
 Freeglut DLL =
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/archbox/Desktop/opengl-cmake-demo/build

Build all targets:

  • $ cmake –build build –config debug
  • $ cmake –build build –config release
$ cmake --build build --config debug

Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Build started 1/8/2019 6:02:01 PM.
Project "C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets).
Project "C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" (1) is building "C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo\buil d\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets).

 .. .. .   ... .. .   ... .. .   ... .. .   ... .. .   ... .. .   ... .. .   ... .. .   ... .. . 

  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\HostX86\x64\CL.exe /c /I"C:\vcpkg\installed\x6
  4-windows\include" /Zi /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:classic /Od /Ob0 /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /RTC1 /M
  Dd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /GR /std:c++17 /Fo"openglDemo1.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"openglDemo1.dir\Debug\vc141.pdb" /Gd
   /TP /errorReport:queue "C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo\opengl1.cpp"
  Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.16.27025.1 for x64
  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

  cl /c /I"C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include" /Zi /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:classic /Od /Ob0 /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"
  " /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /GR /std:c++17 /Fo"openglDemo1.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"opengl
  Demo1.dir\Debug\vc141.pdb" /Gd /TP /errorReport:queue "C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo\opengl1.cpp"

  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\HostX86\x64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:"
  C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo\build\Debug\openglDemo1.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO "C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\debug\lib\free
  glut.lib" kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib /MANIFEST /M
  ANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG /PDB:"C:/Users/archbox/Desktop/opengl-cmake-demo/build/Debug/openglD
  emo1.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"C:/Users/archbox/Desktop/opengl-cmake-demo/build/Debug/openglDemo1.li
  b" /MACHINE:X64  /machine:x64 openglDemo1.dir\Debug\opengl1.obj

....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   .... 

Done Building Project "C:\Users\archbox\Desktop\opengl-cmake-demo\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" (default targets).

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:06.76

Run executable (target run-ex1):

  • This is conveniced target was added for making easier to run the executable from the terminal. It is not needed for IDEs like Visual Studio, JetBrains - Clion and so on.
$ cmake --build build --target run-ex1

Compile and run on Linux:

$ vcpkg install freeglut   
$ git clone https://gist.github.com/caiorss/4e36d7423cfd456f39c26ba476873a3c opengl
$ cd opengl 
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild 
$ cmake --build build --target run-ex1 

1.3.8 Example: Project with Nana GUI Library

GIST: Nana GUI + VCPKG + CMake project

File: CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)

  set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"

#======= Global Project Configuration =========#


#========== Targets Configurations ============#

## ==> Target: gui1 - Executable: gui1

find_package(unofficial-nana CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_executable(gui1 gui1.cpp)
target_link_libraries(gui1 PRIVATE
  unofficial::nana::nana fontconfig stdc++fs)

# Add target to run executable gui1 (similar to $ make run)
    COMMAND gui1
    DEPENDS gui1

# Install directory relative to ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}
install(TARGETS gui1 DESTINATION ./bin)

File: gui1.cpp

#include <nana/gui.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/label.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/button.hpp>

int main()
    using namespace nana;

    //Define a form.
    form fm;
    //Define a label and display a text.
    label lab{fm, "Hello, <bold blue size=16>Nana C++ Library</>"};
    //Define a button and answer the click event.
    button btn{fm, "Quit"};
    //Layout management
    fm.div("vert <><<><weight=80% text><>><><weight=24<><button><>><>");
    fm["button"] << btn;
    //Show the form
    //Start to event loop process, it blocks until the form is closed.

Project directory:

$ tree -L 1
├── build
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── gui1.cpp

1 directory, 2 files

Install Linux dependency libraries (Tested on Linux Fedora):

  • Note: Sometimes VCPKG cannot install system libraries. In this case, it is necessary to use the current distribution package manager.
$ sudo dnf install libX11-devel.x86_x64
$ sudo dnf install libXft-devel.x86_64

Clone gist containing the project:

$ git clone https://gist.github.com/caiorss/724942d43cd11c6ee5b3461ac067c846 sample-vcpkg-proj
$ cd sample-vcpkg-proj

Install package Nana with vcpkg:

$ vcpkg install nana

 ...  ...  ...  ... 
-- Using cached /home/archbox/opt/vcpkg/downloads/cnjinhao-nana-v1.6.2.tar.gz
-- Using source at /home/archbox/opt/vcpkg/buildtrees/nana/src/v1.6.2-51b575c248
-- Configuring x64-linux-dbg
-- Configuring x64-linux-rel
-- Building x64-linux-dbg
-- Building x64-linux-rel
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package nana[core]:x64-linux... done
Installing package nana[core]:x64-linux... 
Installing package nana[core]:x64-linux... done
Elapsed time for package nana:x64-linux: 1.825 min

Total elapsed time: 1.825 min

The package nana:x64-linux provides CMake targets:

    find_package(unofficial-nana CONFIG REQUIRED)
    target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE unofficial::nana::nana)

List installed packages:

$ vcpkg list
boost-accumulators:x64-linux                       1.68.0           Boost accumulators module
boost-algorithm:x64-linux                          1.68.0           Boost algorithm module
boost-any:x64-linux                                1.68.0           Boost any module
boost-array:x64-linux                              1.68.0           Boost array module

... ... ...   ... ... ...   ... ... ...   ... ... ...   ... ... ...   ... ... ...   ... ... ...

gsl:x64-linux                                      2.4-3            The GNU Scientific Library is a numerical librar...
gtest:x64-linux                                    1.8.1-1          GoogleTest and GoogleMock testing frameworks.
libiconv:x64-linux                                 1.15-5           GNU Unicode text conversion
libjpeg-turbo:x64-linux                            1.5.3-1          libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SI...
liblzma:x64-linux                                  5.2.4            Compression library with an API similar to that ...
libpng:x64-linux                                   1.6.35-1         libpng is a library implementing an interface fo...
nana:x64-linux                                     1.6.2            Cross-platform library for GUI programming in mo...
pybind11:x64-linux                                 2.2.3-1          pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library th...
spdlog:x64-linux                                   1.2.1            Very fast, header only, C++ logging library
zlib:x64-linux                                     1.2.11-3         A compression librar

Filter nana package:

$ vcpkg list | grep nana
nana:x64-linux                                     1.6.2            Cross-platform library for GUI programming in mo...

Building with CMake Ninja or Makefile

Cmake configuration step

  • Default system building system
    • $ cmake -H. -Bbuild
  • Ninja building System:
    • $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Ninja
# Install executable at (.) curret directory
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Ninja  -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=.

 [INFO] VCPKG CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE = /home/archbox/opt/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.2.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.2.1
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/cc

 ... ... ... ... ... ... 

-- Found Freetype: /home/archbox/build/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/lib/libfreetype.a (found version "2.8.1") 
-- Found ZLIB: /home/archbox/build/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/debug/lib/libz.a (found version "1.2.11") 
-- Found PNG: /home/archbox/build/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/share/png/../../lib/libpng16.a (found version "1.6.35") 
-- Found BZip2: /home/archbox/build/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/lib/libbz2.a (found version "1.0.6") 
-- Looking for BZ2_bzCompressInit
-- Looking for BZ2_bzCompressInit - found
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib64/libX11.so;/usr/lib64/libXext.so
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib64/libX11.so;/usr/lib64/libXext.so - found

 ... ... ... ... ... ... 

-- Looking for shmat - found
-- Found X11: /usr/lib64/libX11.so
-- Found JPEG: /home/archbox/build/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/debug/lib/libjpeg.a  
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/archbox/root-scripts/vcpkg2/build

Build all targets:

$ cmake --build build --target 

Build and run executable target gui1 (target: run-gui1)

$ cmake --build build --target run-gui1
[3/3] cd /home/archbox/root-scripts/vcpkg2/build && /home/archbox/root-scripts/vcpkg2/build/gui1

Install executable:

$ cmake --build build --target install
[2/3] Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Installing: /home/archbox/root-scripts/vcpkg2/./bin/gui1

Run installed executable at ./bin

$ bin/gui1 

Directory after compilation:

$ tree . -L 2
├── bin
│   └── gui1
├── build
│   ├── build.ninja
│   ├── CMakeCache.txt
│   ├── CMakeFiles
│   ├── cmake_install.cmake
│   ├── gui1
│   ├── install_manifest.txt
│   └── rules.ninja
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── gui1.cpp

3 directories, 9 files

Analyse executable:

Check binary format

$ file bin/gui1 

bin/gui1: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux),
dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for
GNU/Linux 3.2.0,
BuildID[sha1]=b2273c2b397213af8c8b8e8808da1ebc195d3b4d, with
debug_info, not stripped

Check file size

# File size 
$ du -h bin/gui1
19M     bin/gui1
19M     total

Remove debugging symbols

$ strip bin/gui1 

Check file size again:

$ du -h bin/gui1
3.3M    bin/gui1
3.3M    total

Check shared libraries dependencies:

$ ldd bin/gui1
        linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007fff18930000)
        libfontconfig.so.1 => /lib64/libfontconfig.so.1 (0x00007f5f73116000)
        libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f5f72ef7000)
        libX11.so.6 => /lib64/libX11.so.6 (0x00007f5f72bb6000)
        libXext.so.6 => /lib64/libXext.so.6 (0x00007f5f729a4000)
        libXft.so.2 => /lib64/libXft.so.2 (0x00007f5f7278d000)
        libstdc++.so.6 => /lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f5f723fa000)
        libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007f5f72066000)
        libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f5f71e4e000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007f5f71a8f000)
        libfreetype.so.6 => /lib64/libfreetype.so.6 (0x00007f5f717d8000)
        libexpat.so.1 => /lib64/libexpat.so.1 (0x00007f5f7159d000)
        libuuid.so.1 => /lib64/libuuid.so.1 (0x00007f5f71396000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f5f7335a000)
        libxcb.so.1 => /lib64/libxcb.so.1 (0x00007f5f7116d000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f5f70f69000)
        libXrender.so.1 => /lib64/libXrender.so.1 (0x00007f5f70d5e000)
        libbz2.so.1 => /lib64/libbz2.so.1 (0x00007f5f70b4d000)
        libpng16.so.16 => /lib64/libpng16.so.16 (0x00007f5f70919000)
        libz.so.1 => /lib64/libz.so.1 (0x00007f5f70702000)
        libXau.so.6 => /lib64/libXau.so.6 (0x00007f5f704fe000)

Created: 2021-06-04 Fri 15:06
